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Recharge that battery posted Dec 19, 2004  


How's your stress level right now?

Many business people who have to reach particular numbers and goals in their jobs hit a 9.8 on the tension scale by the end of each year.

Whether the time is now or later, stress hits everyone. Managing it is what becomes the integral challenge. So let's step outside the "city limits" of your job to find a centered balance that may allow you to work more effectively when you're on the job.

The following are simple practices that can help you manage stress, break slumps and recharge your mental and physical battery.

1. Walk it off. Walking is one of the best ways to cool down your engine and physiologically purge stress. I've written this before, but shall remind you once more:

The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that with regular walking there's:

*A 20 percent less chance of getting breast cancer
*A 30 percent less chance of getting heart disease
*A 50 percent less chance of diabetes

2. Talk it off. Finding someone to chat with, run ideas past, vent, and yes, sometimes even complain, is crucial for your health. Verbalizing what's on your mind and heart is a great method for letting off steam and stimulating the hormones that boost confidence and creativity.

3. Put it on paper. For many men, the thought of writing things down, crying or becoming emotional has been perceived as weak or not stable. Lunacy! Regardless of gender, we are given every emotion for a reason.

Clogging up your mind and your heart can lead to personal breakdowns, poor relationships and even early death. Find an outlet and get over the ridiculous stereotypes that were set in more primitive times.

4. Celebrate life. It's easy to get caught up in what's going wrong, what isn't good, why things aren't working, goals that aren't met and how everything needs to get better. Hypocritical as it may sound, I'm as guilty as anybody for slipping into slumps. HOWEVER, through self-reminders, (and friends and family who will knock it into me), life IS NOT a dress-rehearsal.

We need to fight the fear, manage the anxiety and cope with stress by having fun. Is it a family vacation? A nice bottle of wine? A steak dinner? Is it singing or playing a musical instrument? A hot date with your spouse or mate? A night out with friends? Don't allow the things you need the most to become those you do the least.

Mind food for thought:

"Stress is when you wake up screaming, and then realize that you haven't fallen asleep yet." — Unknown

"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later find time for bodily illness." — Edward Stanley

Consider extracting and implementing the practice(s) that may bring you to a healthier, happier level personally and professionally. Work becomes easier and so does reaching the goals set out for you as well as those you set for yourself.

Happy Holidays to you and your family and may this holiday season bring you health, joy and a lower stress level!

Joe Takash speaks at business conferences and sales meetings. He is the president of Victory Consulting in Chicago and serves as director of corporate relations at Robert Morris College. Find out more at joetakash.com.

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