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Keynote Presentation

Building Profitable Relationships

Networking is undoubtedly the smartest business that anyone can practice, and it is a must for building profitable relationships. In this program attendees will become more aware of the little things that make a big difference which are the business practices that get results.

Each participant will know:

The giving before getting concept that builds trust and elicits long-term results.
How to positively influence people with 30 seconds
Become a name-remembering machine
Discover the questions to become an exceptional conversationalist
Describe how what you do provides value to the listener in one sentence
Ask for business comfortably and in a manner that is not pushy

Building skills and changing behavior happens in 6 ways:

1  Aligning how you communicate with how you're actually perceived
2  Receiving honest feedback of how effective you are
3  Seeing yourself on videotape to gain third-person perspective
4  Becoming consciously aware of the necessary skills/tools to improve
5  Describe how what you do provides value to the listener in one sentence
6  Implementing those tools to develop behavioral habits

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